IN THE THICK OF IT: Arina at Pulau Tengah

2021, roller-coaster ride indeed! Accepted as an intern with TIC for a solid 5 months, it was unbelievable! Met new people, developing new skills and getting involved with diversity of projects here has eventually prepared me for my future career. Diving skills has improved from zero to hero with endless intensive training by our certified Divemsater (DM) Nur Aiman Suhaimi and Izzat Hakimi A’rizu. Green light from Sheldon for passing the open water (OW) assessment and swimming test has unlocked my personal bucket list to work with the team underwater. Brushing off algae on coral biscuits and metal frames certainly tested my buoyancy skills! Nevertheless, all sweats and tears has shaped me to be a better diver.

Brushing off algae on coral biscuits and metal frames certainly tested my buoyancy skills!

Nevertheless, all sweats and tears has shaped me to be a better diver.

Luckless to experience collecting turtle eggs around island but blessed with morning splash on every boat ride for morning boat patrols. Turtle hatch unpredictably at night hence I am in ever ready mode! it was indeed an unforgettable experience. Sunset here in Pulau Tengah was breathtaking, picnic at the jetty, chilling at Long Beach and of course swimming at our own infinity pool here, all FOC!

Gained a lot from this very short period of time which leaves thousands of memories that I wouldn’t trade for anything. A big thanks to each and everyone that has helped me to adapt, to learn and to explore here with TIC.

Signing off,

Arina Azami

(August - December 2021 )

Izzat Hakimi